As part of NZACS the invitation is extended to our members to attend the Overseas Study Tour arranged by AACS through Events With Moore. All arrangements and enquires need to be addressed directly with them. See below and the link for all the information.
Overseas Study Tour 2015
This year the AACS overseas study tour will travel to the East Coast of the USA before heading to Las Vegas for the NACS Show and the finals presentations of the global convenience award. We will depart on October 5th and return on October 15th. Numbers will be limited at 40 for this tour. Attendees will see world leading stores from brands such as WAWA and Sheetz, hear from industry leaders in exclusive presentations for our group and also see stores in other retail channels.
Just a reminder to diarise the 13th August for the Peter Jowett Scholarship and Industry Awards held at the Crowne Plaza Auckland. We have double digit entries for the Scholarship so they are currently working hard to be one of the 6 finalists presenting at the event. The winners go on to represent New Zealand in Las Vegas at the NACS Show. Registrations for the event will be opening soon