It was a day no-one would ever forget…not just because the speakers provided great insights during last week’s Convenience Leaders Summit but because it was Trump’s first day at the Office. History in the making!
Peter Struck from Retail Solutions 2Go provided an update on the Australian Convenience Industry highlighting the double digit growth on-the-go food is enjoying and the move towards healthier choices. We heard about $1 campaigns and their effects.
Wade Death from Jack&Co Foodstores spoke about providing an instagramable offer and connecting emotionally with the customer where people will pay for a quality fresh product.
Patrick Ganguly from Imperial Tobacco provided interesting facts and figures about the tobacco industry and what the before and after effects of plain packaging have been.
Mike O’Brien from Chep highlighted the importance of having a collaborative approach for the increasingly important Health & Safety within the workplace. Everyone deserves to go home after a day’s work and he provided some ideas as to how to quickly identify and then engineer out the risks.
Tim Warwick from Coca-Cola spoke about the Asia Pacific convenience growth and trends. We heard about the increasing trust in social media user generated content, that the top up shop is growing with a smaller basket and the various shopper missions.
Neil Nelson from Imperial Tobacco and runner up for the Peter Jowett Scholarship provided a highly entertaining and interesting account of his recent trip to NACS Atlanta.
After all those learnings, we mixed and mingled for drinks and canapes and departed for Marvel Grill. Graham Bell gave us an entertaining list of Do’s and Don’ts bringing his stories of his eventful days in the police into the speech.
I would just like to thank NZACS for my lovely gifts especially my awesome t-shirt as I intend to “Act like a lady Lift like a boss” at next year’s World Masters Games all things going well. I have enjoyed my time contracting to NZACS and will definitely miss the familiar faces in this interesting industry.
Have a safe and wonderful Christmas/festive season and may it be a long hot summer!
Kathy Faulkner
New Zealand Association of Convenience Stores (NZACS)