Unfortunately the Starship Foundation no longer wish to be part of our golf day however we have the pleasure in announcing that the Breast Cancer Research Trust is only too happy to be involved in our great day. Shane Cortese is one of their ambassadors and will be joining us!
Their message is very simple and clear. They are here to find a cure for breast cancer by 2018,and to provide a future free of the fear of breast cancer for New Zealand women, and to protect our next generation of young girls from what their mothers and grandmothers are going through today. To find out more about the Breast Cancer Research Trust you can download a PDF.
New Zealand has one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the world with 1 in 9 women being diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. An incidence rate of 1 in 9 means 1 woman every 3 hours will be diagnosed and 2 woman per day will die. Donations raised will help them fund ground breaking research into putting a stop to this disease and save over 600 lives each year.
What a great cause! We have already had a great response to the golf registrations. Please be sure to register soon as places are limited. Don’t forget that we have a 9-hole course open too this year. We are also looking for hole sponsorships and prizes. We would love to have a generous silent auction item from one of you to boost our donation. Please email me as soon as possible with your item details. For more information and to register click here.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 29th April